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Life Would Be Easy if It Werent for Other People Connie Podesta Ebook Downoald Pdf



Ready to Learn How to Out-Think and Out Perform the Competition?

Ten condensed books on the ten hottest topics facing business professionals in today's changing  world.

Knowing how busy everyone is with little time to read lengthy business books, Connie created something totally unique in the business book arena. (How could she write a book about Standing Out if her book didn't Stand Out?) What she came up with?  Ten condensed books on the ten hottest business topics today all rolled them into ONE award-winning book full of powerhouse strategies that can change how a person or organization thinks about success.

"For the first time a book about leveraging and adopting CHANGE actually IS different. It looks different, reads different and makes you see each of these topics in a whole new, TAKE ACTION light! Well done!"

Business as usual is OVER.If ever there was a time toSTAND OUT From the Crowd and out-sell, out-smart, out-think and out-perform the competition – it is right NOW!

"Leave it to game-changer Connie Podesta to write the first business book that truly does STANDOUT FROM THE CROWD! Instead of writing just another long boring book for readers so busy they can hardly sit still, Connie has written ten condensed, stand-alone books on the ten hottest business topics today and rolled them into ONE visually-stunning, power-packed gem."

If you truly want to take your life and career to a whole new level of success, then take the option of "doing the same old thing, the same old way" off the table.   Creativity has taken the place of complacency. Resilience has forced status quo aside. And exceeding expectations has replaced "meeting standards." Written with Connie's innovative, "tell-it-like-it-is" style…get ready to enjoy the first business book you truly may not want to put down!

"ConniePodesta has done it again! For the first time a book about differentiating yourself, your organization and your brand actually models that concept with a uniqueness and contemporary spirit not found in any other business books. It is a visual delight, packed with fearless, real-life strategies. This is the first business book EVER that does indeed STANDOUT FROM THE CROWD!"

From individuals to entire organizations – these ten condensed business books are full of how-to, thought-provoking, inspirational strategies you need to…

  • Re*Commit to Change
  • Re*Think Your Choices
  • Re*Assess Your Expectations
  • Re*New Your Positive Attitude
  • Re*Assert Your Value
  • Re*Think Your Relationships
  • Re*Balance Your Life
  • Re*Examine Your Leadership Opportunities
  • Re*Evaluate Your Performance

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Re*Commit to Change

Life as you knew it is transforming before your very eyes. To survive and thrive requires the ability and willingness to adapt to CHANGE at the click of a mouse. You can no longer keep doing what you've always done and expect STANDOUT results!

The good news? Successfully dealing with change is in your DNA! The bad news? So is the temptation to resist anything that's uncomfortable, stressful or requires extraWORK. To go from safe and predictable to amazing and adventurous, you've got to view change as anOpportunity for Continuous Growth.

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Re*Think Your Choices

Life doesn't always happen the way you planned, but in every situation you've got two choices:

  • React And Resist, and you will feel POWERLESS . . . without control or contribution.
  • Initiate And Take Positive Action, and you will feel POWERFUL . . . confident and in charge.

Taking charge of your life means accepting responsibility for your own happiness, being accountable for the consequences of your choices, letting go of what didn't work in the past, and looking for solutions that will work even when times are tough. How youCHOOSE to STANDOUT will define your future success.

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Re*Assess Your Expectations

Expectations:What you think or want to happen.

Reality:What really happens.

Not always a perfect match. Expect too much and you leave yourself open to disappointment. Expect too little and you'll never know what you are truly capable of achieving. How close life comes to meetingYOUR expectations and how closeYOU come to meeting the expectations of others will directly affect your ultimate success. Understand and manage those expectations – and you can STANDOUT and set the pace for a better life.

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Re*Position Your Strengths

Using your STRENGTHS – those things you wereBORN to do,LOVE to do and arePASSIONATE about – is the quickest and most fulfilling path to successfully STANDING OUT in a crowd. But STRENGTHS alone cannot get you through every situation. When youLEARN and apply new SKILLS that fortify those talents, you've got a winning combination. Add to that the willingness to identify and overcome the limitations that stand in your way and you will be able to turn your "liabilities" into "abilities."

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Re*New Your Positive Attitude

YourATTITUDES reflect how you feel about yourself, your relationships, your job and the people and events in your life. While you can be taught many things, no one else canMOTIVATE,COACH or TRAIN you to have an attitude that will have a positive impact on yourself and others.

You always have a choice to be POSITIVE, NEGATIVE or INDIFFERENT towards a person or situation. Since your attitudes are a reflection of who you are and how you will ultimately perform, they should mirror the veryBEST of your strengths, personality, values and abilities so you can STANDOUT in a positive way.

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Re*Assert Your Value

Bringing value means you are a necessary and vital part of the overall growth and success of an organization, team or relationship.EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS is a surefire way to STANDOUTand be recognized as a valuable and essential part of the team. "Meeting standards" won't be enough if you want to achieve outstanding, long-lasting results. Always remember that regardless of your specific job or title,YOU are in the "customer service" business. Whether internal or external, your customers (and colleagues) need and deserve the best of your time, talent, energy and positive spirit

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Re*Think Your Relationships

Often my clients tell me, "Life would be easy if it weren't for other people "TM. However, you play a significant role in each of your relationships, even the ones that drive you crazy! Just imagine how much easier life would be if you understood why people do what they do and say what they say. Understanding the psychology of human behavior allows you toCHOOSE respectful and supportive relationships that are essential to your professional and personal well-being. Healthy relationships play a huge part in helping you STANDOUT and achieve the results you want and deserve.

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Re*Balance Your Life

Contrary to popular belief, balance isNOT about making everything equal in terms of time. Rather, it's an overall feeling of well-being based on worthwhile accomplishments, good decisions, healthy relationships, and a sense of security, respect and gratitude in every area of life. Achieving balance begins with your determination to discover ways to have more good days than bad, more excitement than boredom, more solutions than complaints, more happiness than sadness, and more energy than complacency. Finding balance is about making good choices and focusing on what's really important in your life so you can STANDOUT in a positive way.

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Re*Examine Your Leadership Opportunities

No matter what your title, you are a leader. At every given moment,YOU have the POWER to influence the thoughts, behaviors, ideas and attitudes of the people around you in either a positive or negative way. How you ultimately wield that power will determine whether youSTANDOUT and model the kind of life others wouldCHOOSE to imitate, follow and respect, personally and professionally. Good leaders are good role models who align their actions with their values.

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Re*Evaluate Your Performance

Words are just words. What counts are theCHOICES you make and theACTION you take as a result of those choices. In order to succeed, you must add value, exceed expectations, utilize strengths, maintain healthy relationships, achieve balance, and lead and influence others in a positive way. Today, everyone wants more, demands more and expects more than ever before. Combine your STRENGTHS with your SKILLS so you can deliver outstanding results to the people who depend on you to STANDOUTand make a valuable contribution.

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The most creative and visually stunning business book on the market today! It definitely lives up to it's name and truly STANDS OUT from the crowd in today's business books!"

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